Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Thank You

Do you ever come across songs that seem to say what is in your head so perfectly it's weird?
I do. 
Like this song. 

For a few weeks now I have realized that I have been writing blog posts about courage and kindness and love and strength and personal growth but that I had forgotten to thank my teachers. I forgot to thank my friends and family and all the people I come in contact with for teaching me so much. I am taught everyday by this world and my loved ones.
I have learned to love by being loved. I have learned of kindness by being treated kindly.
I have learned strength and courage and hope by being trusted by others and learning to trust in others. I have learned of respect and graciousness and gentleness by seeing my tired friends struggle and realizing they need rest like I do. And to do what I can to help them feel peaceful. 
I have learned awareness and empathy by being invited into my friend's and family's worlds. 
The light and dark parts of them.
And by inviting others into my world.
The light and dark parts of it.
I have learned to forgive myself and others by being forgiven by others.
I have learned perseverance by continuing to actively and sincerely get to know my loved ones so I can know how to help when I can and just be there for them when I cannot help them.
 I have learned of peace and happiness by learning to give just to give, without a thought to receiving anything in return, because so many have given to me without ever asking to be repaid in kind.
I have learned to let go gently of things that do not work out because my friends and family have taught me that there is so much beauty in this life it is not worth it to dwell on all the bad that happens. 
That even though a dandelion is a weed, it someday can turn into a "wish-flower." 
That weakness can become strength and fear can be replaced with trust and hopefulness.
That tears can become laughter. And laughter can turn to tears. 
And not to be afraid of the possibility of either happening. 
To be there for all of it.
To celebrate with them.
To mourn with them.
To sit in quiet comfortable silence with them.
Just because.

I am so grateful to have found myself among such excellent and admirable hobbits human beings.
I know a blog post is an insufficient way to thank those I love so I have been doing other things here and there to try to show my love and gratitude for all of them in real life.
Whether that be with little notes, or spending time with them, or talking with them, or laughing with them or struggling with them or working through things with them or any number of other ways to show my love. 

I know I cannot take away the pains or burdens from my friends when they struggle, even though I really wish I could, but I can sure try to be a Samwise Gamgee and carry them when need be.
I cannot say I'll be perfect.
I cannot say that I will always succeed.
I cannot say I will never let you down.
But I can say that I will always do my best to be a good friend. 
An honest friend.
A courageous friend.
A faithful friend.
A loyal friend.
A kind friend.
A gentle friend.
An open-hearted friend.
A loving friend.
A hopeful friend.
A grateful friend.

So Thank you for all you have done for me.

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